Like many of you, I have been glued to the news in the U.S. over the past week. A mob storming the Capitol building in Washington D.C. A president’s speech […]
A Prayer for 2021
In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, I remember seeing a cartoon in my inbox. The setting was 20 years in the future. A parent and child were having a conversation that went something like this: “Remember that COVID-19 pandemic?” asked the child.
Becoming Closer this Thanksgiving
Are you a good listener? I hope to think I am. But I am not always. I sometimes get distracted, or think of my response while another person is speaking.
Mother’s Work
At the end of every day, when I have time for a quick call with a friend, I lament, “parents are in an impossible situation.” And after talking to this mom, I remember how mothers are feeling it most.
The Jewish Prayer that Taught Me to Quiet Down and Listen
I’m not a very good listener. The problem is, I think I am.
Because with total strangers, I am excellent. New people to me are like books. They have a whole story and a lifetime of experiences that I am interested in uncovering.
But I can go into autopilot pretty easily when it comes to my children.