I think a lot about transitions when it comes to my kids. For one of my children, it’s quite hard. Each moment expands and takes on its own meaning, its […]
Here’s to Laughter!
Purim is here! Finally, we get to laugh a little!!! Author Anne Lamott is quoted as saying, “Laughter is a bubbly, effervescent form of holiness” she even calls it “subversive.” […]
Worry Less, Rejoice More
You know the old adage “You are only as happy as your most unhappy child”?… So in the spirit of the Purim holiday, which begins February 25th and celebrates reversals […]
A Different Calling Out
There’s a new hotline that the New York Times opened last week called the Primal Scream Line. It is capturing the exhaustion, rage, and overwhelm of mothers who have been carrying […]
What Your Kids are Learning this Year
And while there will be tons of research written about this period and the impact that it has had on our children and their learning, my hope is that there will be some research about what they did learn over these past long months. I think as parents, we learned these lessons well too.