The nurturing flow goes in both directions. We can look to our elders for guidance and perspective, and share their stories of resilience with our children. In parallel, we can help our elders come into closer contact with our children so that they can be enlivened by them as well.
Shmita and Release
And while we may be better versed in Shabbat celebration, that comes as a disruption to the centrality we place on work, and helps us refocus our attention every week on rest and reflection, shmita is a shabbat on a much larger scale.
Let it Rain! (in good measure)
There is another lesson I am learning from the prayer for rain that we said at the very end of the prayers on Shemini Atzeret at the end of the Jewish holiday cycle. It struck me this year as particularly poignant…Rain should fall.
Sukkot’s Simple Happiness
Have you ever had the experience that you notice something really good happening in your family, like your kids are playing nicely, your child is being particularly helpful, or there is a sense of everything just working. And then the second you bring your consciousness to it and really notice it, or pull out your phone to capture the moment, it’s over?
Music Can Open Your Heart
We need to prepare our hearts sometimes so that we can stand honestly and openly as we examine our lives and the people and parents we are and want to become.