With the commemoration of the destruction of the Temple that once stood in Jerusalem, the last two months of the year (Tammuz and Av) are recalled in Jewish history as a darker time, in which conflict, brokenness and baseless hatred ruled the day. In this other dimension, we have harder days to travel before arriving at the newness and light that the high holidays bring.
Living “Both/And” Lives
Living a “both… and” life is not always simple, but it reflects the truth about our lives. And that truth is complex.
An Insight Around Boundary Setting
There’s a phrase from the Haggadah that I have glossed over every Passover, but this year, as I prepare for the seder, it struck me. We were slaves to Pharaoh […]
A Simple Passover Activity
With Passover just over a week away, I want to share a memory from a year ago. I am sitting with my immediate family on our coach. My kids, looking […]
The Power of a Good Question
We used to live in a world of answers. We knew when we put dates on our calendars, they happened. We knew school would be open in the morning and that our kids would […]