Have you ever had the experience that you notice something really good happening in your family, like your kids are playing nicely, your child is being particularly helpful, or there is a sense of everything just working. And then the second you bring your consciousness to it and really notice it, or pull out your phone to capture the moment, it’s over?
Music Can Open Your Heart
We need to prepare our hearts sometimes so that we can stand honestly and openly as we examine our lives and the people and parents we are and want to become.
What’s Your One Thing?
If you were set to think about Your One Thing you would want to work on this year, what would it be?
Bring a Becoming Mindset to your Summer
I have been swimming for the past 20 years, but I never consider myself a swimmer. To my mind, swimmers are people who were on a swim team when they were […]
Rituals for Transition
While the end of the school year signals the transition to summer, this year it also signals the transition to something deeper – living life ‘in person’ again – or […]