I think of myself as a pretty self-aware person. I think ahead about my motivations for doing things (are they the right ones?), and at the end of the day, […]
Be An Agent For Change
Are you ever in one of those awkward situations in which you witness a conversation between friends when they are speaking at complete cross purposes? When out for dinner with […]
Uncovering Blindspots
Before heading off to camp this morning, my daughter turned to me and said, “Let’s have a good dynamic (or avira in Hebrew) today.” It blew me away, particularly because my daughter […]
What’s your BHAG?
Last Shabbat a dinner guest suggested that my daughter take on a swim challenge. “You should train to swim the English Channel.” He was dead serious. While she dismissed it […]
Which ritual is right for your team?
We all need ritual. It feeds a human hunger for belonging. It elevates the mundane to a higher level of meaning. And when it happens at regular intervals, it can […]