I spend so much of my time thinking about my identity as a mother. But in these days leading up to Mother’s Day on Sunday, May 9th, I am moved to think about my identity as a daughter.
An Insight Around Boundary Setting
There’s a phrase from the Haggadah that I have glossed over every Passover, but this year, as I prepare for the seder, it struck me. We were slaves to Pharaoh […]
The Power of a Good Question
We used to live in a world of answers. We knew when we put dates on our calendars, they happened. We knew school would be open in the morning and that our kids would […]
Open yourself to the transition
I think a lot about transitions when it comes to my kids. For one of my children, it’s quite hard. Each moment expands and takes on its own meaning, its […]
Here’s to Laughter!
Purim is here! Finally, we get to laugh a little!!! Author Anne Lamott is quoted as saying, “Laughter is a bubbly, effervescent form of holiness” she even calls it “subversive.” […]