While there is no limit to opinion pieces you will read in the coming days which express concern, outrage, and the deeply held political opinions on either side of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, I feel called to write about the role of parents during times of conflict, violence and duress
Thank You Mothers
I spend so much of my time thinking about my identity as a mother. But in these days leading up to Mother’s Day on Sunday, May 9th, I am moved to think about my identity as a daughter.
Flexing Different Muscles
Given the recent violence in Israel between extremist groups, and the relative youth of those who were swept up in the violence, I am moved to write this week about […]
An Insight Around Boundary Setting
There’s a phrase from the Haggadah that I have glossed over every Passover, but this year, as I prepare for the seder, it struck me. We were slaves to Pharaoh […]
A Simple Passover Activity
With Passover just over a week away, I want to share a memory from a year ago. I am sitting with my immediate family on our coach. My kids, looking […]